Barry Swanton

  • BIRTHPLACE Winnipeg, MB

  • BORN September 26, 1938

  • INDUCTED 2006

Barry Swanton was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba on September 26, 1938. Swanton played, coached, managed, administrated, and promoted baseball for more than fifty years. He was shortstop and leadoff hitter for numerous Hamiota teams, and he was the midget all-star second baseman in the North Division in 1955 with the CUAC (Canadian Ukrainian Athletics Centre) Blues. Swanton was also starting center fielder in the 11th annual Tribune Junior League All-Star Game at Winnipeg Stadium. Following his playing days, Swanton improved baseball for his community. He was a founding member of the North Winnipeg Minor Baseball Association, and he coached with CUAC or Legion 141 teams for four years. In his spare time, Swanton researched and wrote short histories of the Winnipeg Goldeyes, Winnipeg Maroons, and the Mandak League. In 2006, he wrote a book on the Mandak League and how it was a haven for former Negro League players. Swanton was also Manitoba Baseball Association vice-president of competition from 1984-87.


Tony Tascona


Bryan Swaenepoel