Oakland Braves 1957–1963

  • HOMETOWN Wawanesa/Nesbitt, MB

  • INDUCTED 2013


Back Row (left–right):Danny Gullet, Gordon Martin, Glen Cory (Coach), Bruce Gullet.

Middle Row (left–right): Ed Patterson, Bill Sowiak, Jack Granger, Ken Orr, Lorne Martin.

Front Row (left–right): Gary Hodgins, Ron Powers, Noel Fisher, Ed Evans, Wayne Cory.

Inset: Murray Bridges, Deb Mealy, Cliff Hinks.

The Oakland Braves were an amalgamation of players from Nesbitt and Wawanessa. Traditionally these two teams had been rivals, but a lack of players brought them together in 1957. The played in the South Central League.

The team was often successful in league and tournament play. Their most notable year was 1961. They won the League Championship game that year, beating the Brandon Cloverleafs 13–0 in the final game. After defeating Cartwright the Oakland Braves advanced to the final series of the South Manitoba Baseball Association. They won the title of Southern Manitoba Champions after defeating Reston in two straight games. Oakland then went on to defeat Rivers in the battle of the Northern and Southern Manitoba Leagues.


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