Foundation Donations or Patron program Donations
can be made in support of the Manitoba Baseball Hall of Fame.
Please consider supporting this worthwhile organization.
Tax receipts will be issued for your donation.
Please retain your printed receipt for income tax purposes.
— Foundation Donations —
Go to our permanent endowment fund which provides sustainable revenue into perpetuity for MBHOF. The fund is administered by the Winnipeg Foundation in partnership with the Morden and Area Foundation. Every dollar gifted to this fund will be stretched on a pro-rated basis by the Manitoba Heritage Trust Endowment Fund.
— Patron Donations —
Go to our Annual Patron Donor Fund. It is a fund used for the annual operation of the MBHOF. The annual operating costs include general maintenance, upgrades, and expansion of programs and facilities. Patron Level is achieved by individuals who donate at least $50 and corporations or organizations that donate at least $100.